Published January 2025
Readmission prevention starts with a thoughtful discharge plan, especially for those with behavioral health concerns. MVP clinicians are here to support you with developing effective plans. Please notify your assigned MVP Utilization Management Clinician as soon as possible of any potential discharge barriers. Timely notification is critical, as it assures that MVP can follow up immediately with appropriate programs suitable for the Member. Therefore, notification of discharge should be made to MVP within one business day of the Member’s discharge for all inpatient level of care hospitalizations.
A well-prepared discharge plan can improve outcomes for patients as they transition home or to a facility. Along with family and caregivers, we all play an important role in ensuring Members have the resources and support needed to stay healthy and out of the hospital.
Behavioral Health Providers should provide the following to MVP:
- Discharge date
- Post discharge Provider
- Provider contact information
- Post discharge type of appointment
- Discharge diagnosis
- Discharge status/disposition
- Discharge setting and address
- Date of follow up appointments (should occur within seven days of discharge)
- Primary and alternate telephone numbers and contact information
- Any prescribed medications, including name, dose, and frequency
- Support systems
Once discharge information is received, MVP will contact the Member to:
- Confirm they understand their discharge plan
- Assist with any questions or concerns
- Assist with scheduling aftercare follow up
- Connect Member to various community supports
- Educate Member on MVP case management programs
Contact MVP for behavioral health and substance use admissions notification of discharge:
- By fax 1-855-853-4850
- By email BHServices@mvphealthcare.com
- By phone 1-833-286-1399
For Physical Medical Discharges, it is not mandatory that you change your current method of notifying MVP of discharges; however, this is equally important for physical medical/surgical admissions. In addition to your current process, please consider faxing the above information to MVP at 1-888-207-2889.
If you have any questions about Patient Discharge Planning, and what is required of you, please contact your assigned MVP Utilization Management Clinician.
- If you do not know who your assigned clinician is, or you do not have one, please contact UM@mvphealthcare.com. Be sure to include the patient's information and authorization reference number if you have it.
Thank you for helping support the MVP Member experience. Please forward this information as necessary to all appropriate areas of your practice.
MVP Process Updates
Review other articles in this issue regarding MVP process updates.