MVP is here to work with you!

A wide range of resources are available to help you navigate MVP members on their personal health journey. Our library includes resources on everything from renewing health insurance coverage and accessing care to understanding important health plan terms, finding doctors, filling prescription drugs, and much more!

women discussing a document

Everyone’s Our MVP

On Your Side

We are here to help you navigate your personal health journey with services, advocacy, and support to guide you, on your terms, at every step.

Contact Us
Case Management

Access Your Way

MVP meets you where you are by offering a wide network of providers- in-person or virtually through the affordable convenience of our Gia app.

Get Started with Gia
Download Gia® by MVP
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Community Expert

As a not-for-profit company, our mission is to put you and our communities first, enabling us to tailor products and services to meet individual needs.

Health and Wellness
MVP Living Well Program Events
Health Library
Corporate Giving

MVP conducts annual customer surveys to understand our Net Promoter Score (NPS), or likelihood of our customers to recommend us to their friends and family. In 2023, MVP State Program plans, including Medicaid Managed Care (MMC), the Harmonious Health Care Plan (HARP), Child Health Plus (CHPlus), and the Essential Plan, ranked in the "Excellent" category, with an NPS of 70 or higher.

Find a Provider

Medical Providers

View our network of doctors, specialists, and other providers based on your location.

Find a Doctor

Dental Providers

Dental coverage is provided by a wide range of dental providers, depending on the member’s plan type.

Find a Dentist


From enrollment forms to claims and reimbursement—and everything in between—access the forms you need for your plan type.

Member Forms

Plan Overviews and Product Placemats

MVP offers a wide range of plan options for small and large groups, as well as plans for individuals and their families throughout New York and Vermont. Review our Product Placemats for an overview of the available plan options.

Plan Overviews


Our glossary of Health Insurance, Health Care, and Health Plan terms and definitions can help you understand your benefits and coverage, and help you to shop for a plan.

Health Terms Glossary