MVP DualAccess (HMO D-SNP) Plans

¿No es afiliado?

Los planes MVP DualAccess ayudan a que sus beneficios de Medicare y Medicaid funcionen mejor juntos.

Recursos para afiliados de MVP DualAccess

Obtenga información útil sobre cómo acceder y aprovechar al máximo los beneficios de su plan MVP DualAccess.

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¿Tiene preguntas o necesita más apoyo?

Llame al Equipo de Atención de MVP al 1-866-954-1872

Formularios y beneficios complementarios

Cobertura de Medicamentos con Receta
prescriptions and pharmacy icon

Encuentre medicamentos cubiertos por su plan, verifique los costos de sus medicamentos con receta y más.

Beneficios dentales
dental icon

Obtenga información sobre los beneficios disponibles y encuentre un dentista cerca de usted.

Beneficios dentales
Recompensas Be Well
reward card icon

Los afiliados ganan una tarjeta de recompensa por un valor de $100 por realizar una Visita de Bienestar Anual.

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Asignación para artículos de venta libre y alimentos
cash icon

Proporcionados por nuestro socio proveedor Nations Benefits.

Visite Nations Benefits
Apoyo para el transporte
fast car transportation icon

Programe un traslado a las citas médicas y a la farmacia sin costo alguno para usted. Llame a American Logistics al 1-855-923-4125.

Encontrar un Médico

Encuentre proveedores y centros cercanos que estén en su red.

Encontrar un Médico ahora

Obtenga más información sobre los planes para personas que son elegibles para Medicare y Medicaid.

Acceda a su plan a su manera

Gia® es una manera rápida y simple de acceder a toda la información y los recursos útiles en los que confía. Inicie sesión en Gia® o cree una cuenta para acceder a herramientas personalizadas al alcance de la mano. 

  • Vea, solicite e imprima tarjetas de ID de afiliado de MVP
  • Revise las reclamaciones y vea el progreso hacia los deducibles y los gastos de bolsillo máximos
  • Encuentre un médico
  • Realice o programe pagos
  • Seleccione o cambie su proveedor de atención primaria (si su plan lo requiere)

¡Y mucho más!

Iniciar sesión o registrarse

Otros tipos de planes de Medicare para explorar

Planes Medicare Advantage de MVP

Con un plan Medicare Advantage de MVP, usted obtiene beneficios que le dan prioridad, acceso a la atención cuando y donde la necesite y apoyo para su experiencia de salud personal.

Obtenga más información sobre MVP Medicare Advantage.

Obtenga más información sobre los planes de salud gratis o a bajo costo disponibles con MVP Health Care.

Obtenga más información sobre Medicaid

MVP Health Plan, Inc. is an HMO-POS/PPO/HMO D-SNP organization with a Medicare contract and a contract with the New York State Medicaid program. Enrollment in MVP Health Plan depends on contract renewal. MVP Health Plan, Inc. has been approved by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) to operate as a Special Needs Plan (SNP) until 12/31/2024 based on review of MVP Health Plan’s Model of Care. Health benefit plans are issued by MVP Health Plan, Inc., an operating subsidiary of MVP Health Care, Inc. Not all plans available in all states and counties. Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. Out-of-network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat MVP Health Plan members, except in emergency situations. Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services. For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings, call 1-800-324-3899 (TTY 711).

Other physicians/providers are available in the MVP Health Care network. Gia virtual care services are available at no member cost-share for medical plans, including qualified high-deductible health plans (QHDHPs). Exceptions may apply for self-funded plans. In-person visits and referrals are subject to cost-share per plan. Members enrolled in a Medicare Rx plan without additional MVP medical coverage do not have access to MVP virtual care services through Gia. SilverSneakers is a registered trademark of Tivity Health, Inc. SilverSneakers On-Demand is a trademark of Tivity Health, Inc. ©2023 Tivity Health, Inc. All rights reserved. GetSetUp is a third-party provider and is not owned or operated by Tivity Health, Inc. (“Tivity”) or its affiliates. Users must have internet service to access online services. Internet service charges are responsibility of user.

TruHearing® and (RE)TM are trademarks of TruHearing, Inc. All other trademarks, product names, and company names are the property of their respective owners. Retail pricing based on prices for comparable aids. Follow-up provider visits included for one year following hearing aid purchase. Free battery offer is not applicable to the purchase of rechargeable hearing aid models. Three-year warranty includes repairs and one-time loss and damage replacement. Hearing aid repairs and replacements are subject to provider and manufacturer fees. For questions regarding fees, contact a TruHearing hearing consultant.

©2023 NationsBenefits, LLC. and NationsOTC, LLC. NationsOTC is a registered trademark of NationsOTC, LLC. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Mom’s Meals® is a registered trademark of PurFoods, Inc.

Last Updated: 7/22/2024